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September 22, 2023

In a month with much activity, but not much league play, we have little to report on the activities of the Golf Club.  The 18 Hole League didn't play on Sept 4th (Labor Day), nor on Sept 11th (Lakewood GC Outing).  We had every intention of playing on Sept 18th but there was quite the monsoon at the course most of the day.  With Bey Lea's decision to keep all carts in the barn but allow golfers to walk the course, as you might expect, we decided to cancel the round in its entirety.  Next comes Sept 25th, we do not have a round scheduled because Yom Kippur, the Day Atonement, is observed on that date.

SOOOO... we are where we were a month ago.  We will try to schedule make-up rounds over hte next several weeks, depending on attendance expectations from our snowbirds.  Emails will be sent regarding make-ups and any results of those rounds.  Also, remember we play Pebble Creek on Oct 11th.  We play the 6-6-6 Ryder Cup format at that outing.  This year we will conclude the day with a sit down dinner at Huddy's Restaurant, Call Bill Cohen if interested. 


August 24, 2023

We sadly report that, after a long and courageous fight against MS, Ginger Menar passed away this past week.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Ginger, Alex and his family in these difficult times.  


As for golf news, we've completed our fourth outing (at Eagle Ridge) this month.  Results are posted on the "Outings" tab.  We are scheduled to play our next outing on September 11th at Lakewood Country Club.  Contact Bill Cohen if you are interested.

The 18 Hole League plays it's 13th round of the year this coming Monday.  All results from league play are posted thru August 21st.


August 8, 2023 

Finally getting to update our website...

We have our Handicap system up to date and have figured out some of the nuances of using it to our advantage.  I'm sure everyone has noticed that their handicap has decreased by a few strokes.  With the updated system we are using, the new method of calculation set up by the golfing golds results in a lower index than previous versions of the calculation.  Because the change affects everyone equally, we are not making any adjustments to get back to handicap numbers we used previously.

It's been a LOOONG, HOT summer this year, with several pressing issues.  With the hot and stormy weather this season, we've been lucky to only lose one round to a really rainy stretch that saw golf carts banned from Bey Lea Golf Course for a few days.  Considering that Bey Lea drains extremely quickly, that stretch in May was beyond all expectations for the amount of rain that fell.

We have two more monthly golf outings planned at Lakewood (Sept) & Pebble Creek (Oct).  Watch for sign up information (email) if you want to play.



June 13. 2023

Another month has passed in the life of our Golf Club. 

We've played a couple of league rounds, some good, some bad, one REALLY wet.  We'll make up that 'wet' round at the end of the year since only eleven (11) players participated.

We've completed two AWAY tournaments, one pretty good and one really NOT so good.

You can see the results of both the Cream Ridge and Old Orchard outings on the "OUTINGS" tab, above.

We've also made some progress in our quest to update our league handicaps.  We now have the current version of the software that we use, and it functions quite differently.  The version we were using was 7 years old and is NO LONGER available!  The software we are now using contains a few significant differences.  First, it no longer supports 9-Hole handicaps. Since the 9-Hole league has become a "Fun League", we will no longer retain scores nor calculate 9-Hole handicaps.

As for our 18-Hole handicaps, handicaps are now calculated with the NEW, convoluted method that the USGA introduced last year.  This will result in everyone's handicap dropping about three strokes at Bey Lea.  Since everyone's handicap will drop an equal amount, there will no effect on our league competition results.


May 16, 2023

We've completed a couple weeks of league play and we're getting close to updating handicaps with the latest version of the software that we've used for the past several years.

While we continue working toward that goal, we've already completed our first "AWAY" tournament.  We played on May 15th at Cream Ridge Golf Course.   Click on the tab for "Outing Schedule and Results" to see the results of that round.


May 1, 2023

Well, we finally started the new golf season, kinda, a week before our traditional Tee-Off party.  Our opening round had 24 golfers turn out.  This year for the first time, we are also inviting guests to join us in order to fill reserved tee times. Our first venture in this saw three members invite seven guests.  We tried to hold our second round this morning but, because of near monsoon-like rainfall over the weekend, only 11 members made the trip around the course.  We declared today a rain-out & will reschedule it later this year.


With the loss of MJ Sarro over the winter, the league is trying to fill his many roles within the club, especially maintaining handicaps for all golfers.  we are investigating a couple pieces of software but until a decision is made, we will use handicaps from the end of last season.


Our on-line clothing store another innovation by MJ) will re-open this week and will be available for purchases until midnight on May 14th.  Go to the "External Links" tab, above, and click on the link there to check out the store.  If you have a gift certificate from last year's  banquet, enter the cert number (without spaces) when you check out.


The 9-hole league continues to deal with the problem of base passes not being renewed but

 a temporary fix has been put in place to allow access with an expired pass when it's presented with a Driver's license (but only allowed Wednesday morning for league play).


With the loss of MJ Sarro over the winter, the league is trying to fill his many roles within the club, especially maintaining handicaps for all golfers.  we are investigating a couple pieces of software but until a decision is made, we will use handicaps from the end of last season.


The 18-Hole league is still struggling with reports of slow pace of play. We will be highlighting tips to speed up the game each week (from multiple knowledgeable sources) until we solve this problem.


January 22, 2023

Welcome to the New Year!

First and foremost, there is a change in the makeup of your Board of Directors. 

After many years of dedicated service to the Golf Club, taking care of the finances and paperwork, John Cacavio (or his wife) has decided enough is enough!  John will continue as a member and player but has already turned over his pencils and calculator to our new Treasurer, Steve Friedman.  Steve has been a member of the club for several years and has the knowledge, experience and interest to keep the creditors away from our front door.  When you see Steve, congratulate and wish him luck him in his new position!


As we prepare to begin the new golf season, there will several changes to the way the

18 Hole League operates.   Be sure to read (and respond to) the "Welcome" email that was sent out today.  


October 31, 2022

Happy Halloween!  The 18-Hole League has completed its 2022 season and the final results are posted on this site. They include the Pebble Creek Results, last league round played on 10/17, the Golfer of the Year results plus the "Most Improved Golfer" awards.

To see results, check the 18 Hole League Play Results and Outings... Results tabs,

Click HERE for the Golfer of the Year winners, & HERE for Most Improved Golfer winners.


We will have a General Membership meeting on November 21st to conclude Club activities for the year (that includes final payout of league and outing prize monies). We'll review our successes (and failures) of the past season, PLUS preview of some of the changes that will be implemented for the 2023 season of the 18-Hole League.

We hope to see everyone there, especially since we're handing out cold hard CASH!


September 16, 2022

So here we are, after a couple of weeks missing out on league play.  We didn't play on Labor Day and, because we cancelled our annual golf trip (again! @#$), we played at Eagle Ridge on September 13th.  So next week (9/19), we will resume league play at Bey Lea Golf Course.  Before we talk the league some more, I have posted the results from the Eagle Ridge Outing.  That course is a wee bit more difficult than we usually play but there were some pretty good scores turned in by several of our players.  Congratulations to all!

Back to the league... we have two (2) more rounds scheduled, on 10/3 and then on 10/17.  Beyond that, there are two rain dates that we probably won't need but they can be made available for non-league, what-the-hell, let's-play-some-golf rounds if enough folks are interested.  I'll send out emails regarding those weeks when we get closer to those dates.


August 30, 2022

After some minor changes to our schedule, we have completed the 2022 League Championship (by Flight) rounds.  With several players missing due to inclement weather, the August 22nd round was removed from the championship 'rota' and scored as a Low-Net weekly competition.  In its place, the 8/29 round has been included as the Final Round of the Championship series.  The results for 8/22 and the League Championship have been posted.


The Green Division (Flight) was won by Tony Rubino, with a best two out of three rounds combined net score of 120.  Tom Melnick a (135) and Dom Fiumano (136) were neck and neck for second and third place, while Steve Friedman, Karen Hedden and Charlie Heger rounded out the top six finishers in the competition. 


In a REALLY close competition, the Red Division finished with a tie for first place between Gene Mangini and Bill Ellison, with a combined net score of 133.  John Smith (134) and Alex Menar (136) finished 3rd and 4th, while Pete Capodice and Rich Pante tied for 5th at 138.

CONGRATULATIONS to all participants in this year's championship.



August 17, 2022

We've completed our tenth round of the 19-Hole League & the August Club Outing at Gambler's Ridge.  The results are posted under the League Play/18 Hole Results and the Outings Schedule & Results tab.  Since we cancelled our Member/Guest at Eagle Ridge in July, we've now setup an outing there on Tuesday, Sept 13th.  Contact Bill C. if you want to play.


August 2, 2022

We began our 18-Hole League Championship competition yesterday with 24 of our 28 REGULAR league members playing, along with 5 SUBs.  I posted the results of July 25th and the first Championship round.  be aware that the August 1st,8th and 22nd are a cumulative score of the best two out of three rounds.  This posting is only reporting the progress of the first round played... more to come.  

In the near future, I will post some tips that will save some time on the golf course.  I have heard from several sources at the golf course that we, as a league, could be much quicker in completing our rounds each week.  These comments are from course employees AND from fellow golfers who are playing immediately after our group.   Not intending to point out any golfer, or group, this will primarily be suggestions on how to save small amounts of time on each hole to save LOTS of time throughout an 18-hole round.   Stay tuned to learn how to be a quicker golfer.


July 19, 2022

Well, we made it halfway through the heat of July and we haven't had (m)any casualties reported in, yet.  We all seem to be going strong or, at a bare minimum, still going!  We completed the July outing at Ocean Acres (Barnegat) as well as the seventh round of the 18-Hole League schedule.  The results for both rounds are posted under the appropriate tab.   

Hope everyone signed up for the Nine & Dine at Lakehurst this coming July.  The player limit was raised to 44 players and as of last night (July 18) there were two spots open.  Call Bill Cohen if you are interested.

There are changes coming to the 18-Hole League Roster this week.  Two of our Lady Golfers have decided to join the 18-Hole League as SUBS.  Effective next Monday (July 25th), they will be integrated into the Pairings along with all other REGULAR and SUB players.  We still have some ladies who will play 9 holes, but Karen Hedden and Pat Sidorski will be part of our league play starting this week.  I just hope all the guys can keep up with them each week.


July 5, 2022

So, here we are... we've completed 6 rounds of our 18-hole league season, more than that in the 9-hole league and we are slowly getting healthy (for the most part).  Several members have tested positive for that dastardly COVID virus, though I haven't heard of any SERIOUS complications from those reported cases.  Just a pain in the A*S*S when you have to quarantine and then wear a mask (again) for what seems like forever!  Having said all that, the latest I hear is that all "victims" of this latest outbreak are doing well and are ready to get back out there to play some golf.  They'll have that chance this coming Monday (11th) at Ocean Acres, located in Barnegat. 

In the meantime, I've finally posted the results for the 18-hole league for June 20 and 27.  Click on LEAGUE PLAY, then 18 Hole RESULTS to see how you did.  While you're at it, check out the Club Schedule... we have a NINE & DINE coming up at the base on July 27th (Wed). Participation is limited to the first 36 players so sign yourself up TODAY if you want to PLAY and EAT.  If you have guests to bring, they can be signed up starting July 10th.  Don't delay too long... there is a limit on the number of players that can be accommodated.


June 12, 2022

Finally got the results completed for the round played on June 6th.  Check the League Play tab to see how you fared.  No league pla this week (June 13th) because we have an outing that day at Twisted Dunes near Atlantic City.  I understand there's a good number of players attending this event... at one of the few "Links" courses in New Jersey.  Hope we all have a great time, and that we all come home with some good scores.



May 24, 2022

Results have been posted for May 16th and May 23rd.  Click on League play to see them.

The numbers of players each week in the 18-Hole League seem to be improving now that the weather is getting better, and more members are returning from their winter "warm" places.  Now, all we need is for other players to stop getting sick!  Seems we are experiencing an increase of positive test results for the lingering COVID infection.  Most reported symptoms are very mild (even non-existent) but in being VERY cautious, these players are staying away from any gatherings, including golf.

Times WILL get better, we just have to be patient, and wait for them to get here.


May 20, 2022

The 18-Hole League results for May 16th will be posted next week, along with the results from upcoming play on May 23rd.


The GC@LR CLUB Calendar has been revised to reflect changes to our Outings this year. 

Due to financial considerations, the Member/Guest has been cancelled.  In its place, we will still play on July 11th, at Ocean Acres, which was originally scheduled for October.  

Also, for both logistic and financial reasons, our fall golf trip has been cancelled. 

We are looking into an overnight type of package to "play and stay" (nearby) during that same time period.  Details will be forthcoming.

Finally, moving the Ocean Acres outing from October to July will leave us just one outing in October.  We will still play Pebble Creek on October 12TH.

Click on the 'Outing Schedule and Results' tab to see the current schedule.


May 13, 2022

We've completed our first week of league play (18 hole) and also the first "Outing" of the year at Cream Ridge. The official results for these two rounds are posted under the appropriate pull-down menu above.  We only had 16 players our first week but, week two will see better participation as more members are back from the southern climes and are ready to start playing on Jersey courses.


April 29, 2022

As announced at our last meeting, our website for clothing has been re-opened for the spring season.  You may purchase various items thru May 29th (at midnight), all with the Golf Club at Lake Ridge logo.  Click on the 'EXTERNAL LINKS' pull-down menu to access the store.


April 25, 2022

We are about to begin!  The 18-Hole League begins next Monday, May 2nd, while the 9-Hole League begins its schedule next Wednesday, May 4th.  The rosters are set (finally), the schedule has been confirmed and the golf courses are waiting for us to show up.

for the 18-Hole League, the roster has been updated and posted here and the schedule has been reposted with the first tee time for each week.  Note that the first tee time for all but four (4) weeks start at 7:59am.  Those four weeks (noted on schedule) start at 8:59am.


March 25, 2022

Well, it is OFFICIALLY spring... that means the Golf season is just around the corner.

We are pretty far along in completing this year's plans for the Golf Club, as well as the two leagues we have.  Check our various pull-down menus to find the ROSTER(s), CLUB SCHEDULE, LEAGUE SCHEDULE(s) and other informational pieces as they become available.

Our 18 Hole League begins play at Bey Lea on Monday, May 2nd, after our Tee-Off Party in the Clubhouse on Saturday, April 30th.  Our next start date is Wednesday, May 4th at Joint Base MDL Lakehurst for the 9 Hole League.  Our final important date to remember in May is the 9th.  That's the date for our first Outing at Cream Ridge Golf Course.  Info to follow.


Guess What!?  We're finally going to host our Member/Guest outing after a two-year hiatus. 

This year's event will be held at Eagle Ridge Golf Course on July 11th.  Details to follow! 


We are also looking into embarking on our annual Golf Trip, also after a two-year pause.  We'll have to wait for Vicky & Bill C. to complete their research and planning before we hear where we're going from September 12th thru the 16th.


And while you sit around, bored, waiting for your next tee time, try the following:


If you can read this OUT LOUD you have a strong mind. 

If you can raed this, you have a sgtrane mnid, too.  

Can you raed this?        Olny 55 people out of 100 can.  

I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg.  The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae.  The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm.  This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe.  Azanmig huh?  Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! 


I found another one that's even better than this...  I'll include it in the next update.


October 23, 2021

Check out the golf apparel available on our new website setup by a local vendor.  A variety of clothing items are available until 10/31/2021, each with the Golf Club at Lake Ridge LOGO. After October 31st, the site will be de-activated until sometime in the Spring (TBD), when season appropriate apparel will be featured.  Click Here or click on the External Links tab to reach this website.


September 25, 2021

Finally, the final results for 9/13 and 9/20 have been posted.  As usual, go to the "League Play" tab to view the results.  Also posted is the list of Golf Club officers for the year 2021/22.  To see this updated list of officers, go to the,  "About Us" tab.  The updated Title and responsibility of each officer (the Board of Directors) is described in our recently revised Golf Club By-Laws, which can can be seen HERE.  Be sure to attend the October General Membership meeting to vote on the adoption of the updated By-Laws.  Our Golf League Banquet is tentatively scheduled for October 26th in the Ballroom.  Hopefully the Clubhouse and Annex will be reopened before then. If you haven't already, contact Barry Stetson to reserve your seats seats for the affair!


August 31, 2021

Scores for the latest round (8/30) have been posted... go to the "League Play" tab. 

At our last general meeting, the club elected the Board of Directors to serve 2021-2022.  The nine members currently on the Board have been re-elected, along with the newest members of the Board... Mike Gallagher and John Sucato.  At our next Board meeting, the first order of business is for the Board members to discuss and agree on who-will-do-what for the next year.  Mike and John have been elected to fill openings left by previous officers who left.  Everyone should join me in congratulating John and Mike, and wish them well as they join the Board of Directors of the GC@LR. 


August 18, 2021

Two new postings have been uploaded:

     1. Results from the 18 Hole League, round #12 (August 16th).

     2. A REVISED Golf Club schedule for the remainder of the year,

         showing the cancellation of the fall trip (again) as well as changes 

         to the schedule of BOTH leagues.

On the Golf Club Schedule, you'll see we've added September 20th as the final scheduled round of the year.  Our tee times will be split, and MUCH earlier, that day ONLY!  Our times will be at 7:08, 7:17, 7:51, 7:59 and 6 times from 8:16 thru 8:59.  An email just went out regarding that round.  Please respond to that email so I can schedule everyone as near to the desired tee times requested.  First come, first served in requesting early tee times.



August 10, 2021

We've completed the 2021 League Championship competition this past week.  There were 12 members of the GREEN team and 14 members of the RED team that completed the required two rounds to qualify for the title "League Champion". 

In the GREEN division, it was a tight race, with one (1) stroke separating MJ Sarro from the eventual winner, Rich Pante, who finished with a combined NET score of 135 in his best two rounds (of three) to win the event.  Congratulations, Rich!

In the RED division, the competition wasn't quite so close, but still, only three (3) strokes separated Barry Stetson from this year's winner, Charlie Kalwinsky, who also finished with a combined NET score of 135 for his two best rounds.  Charlie, congratulations!


You can see the complete list of finishing scores for all participants in both flights under the LEAGUE PLAY > 18 HOLE RESULTS tab.  In each division, the low two rounds for each player used in the calculation are highlighted in yellow.  


I suspect all that are interested know that the fall trip to West Point has been cancelled over concerns how the area will be affected by resurging COVID infections and restrictions, in addition to limited number of members and guests who committed to the trip. 

With that development, Monday, September 20th has been added to the schedule of the 18 Hole League as round #15, while October 4th and 18th are now potential rain-date make-up rounds.  November 1st is no longer included on the schedule as a make-up date.


August 3, 2021

CONGRATULATIONS to Rich Lejkowski for his HOLE-IN-ONE at the Pine Ridge course in Lakehurst.  He accomplished his first ACE on the 155 yard eighth hole.  Good work, Rich!


Two new postings have been added to the 18 Hole Results tab.  The results for round 10 on August 2nd, plus the cumulative, BUT NOT FINAL, results of the League Championship competition.  This second posting shows the current standings following the first two rounds in the championship.  This will be updated to include the final round results after that third round is completed on August 9th (next week).


A few points of interest (or a rant, if you like) about playing this game we all claim to love...

Some players feel comfortable playing a round in four and a half hours, or more, regardless of the conditions on the course.  The object of this game is NOT to play "by the clock", but at a pace that is consistent with the overall speed of play on the course.  As I say on EVERY pairings sheet I send out... KEEP PACE WITH THE GROUP IN FRONT OF YOU!   

It doesn't help to tell everyone that you played in a certain amount of time, if the groups in front of you finished in a half hour, or more, less than you. 



On the tee, don't waste time waiting for some one else to hit if you are ready.  

Don't just sit in the cart waiting while your cart-mate hits his shot.  Walk (or ride) to your ball and make your next shot.  Think about it... The golf course is actually a great place to get a little exercise by walking at least a little bit each round.  

Don't worry about "HONORS" when playing... hit your ball when YOU are ready, unless you are in line of flight of (or will impede) someone else's shot. 


Also, you don't need to pull the pin when you're putting!  We were restricted from even touching the pin during the pandemic and, SURPRIZE!, scores did NOT skyrocket because that dastardly pin kept the ball out of the cup.  Our amateur status (that means ALL OF US) is the reason that we miss shots regularly, be they on the tee, in the fairway or on the green.  This game is supposed to be fun, not a case of life or death if we miss hit a shot (or ten).  Have some courtesy towards those behind you on the course. Even playing to a 40 handicap, you can keep up with the group in front without much difficulty by using a little common sense.


Everyone knows the frustration of waiting for the group in front to clear out of range. 

NO ONE knows the frustration of hearing about slow play by The Golf Club at Lake Ridge...

Unfortunately, that's the greeting I get in the clubhouse far too often after our round. 


Two areas of great concern is SLOW-PLAY and large GAPS between groups on the course.

Everyone needs to make an effort to keep up with the group in front of you!  If we just keep pace with others on the course, we can be comfortable with our speed of play each week.


July 28, 2021

I posted the results from the first round of our League Championship competition. Everyone should know that this is the first of three rounds, the best TWO rounds of the three will be combined to determine the League Champion for 2021.  This posting is of the first round results ONLY!  Cumulative totals for the first and second round will be posted next week, along with the results of just the second round scores.  The third round results will also be posted (in two weeks) along with the final cumulative results for the championship.


July 19, 2021

Just a quick note that the League Championships start next week (July 26th).  The winner, in each flight, is the combined low score from best two out of three rounds played during the 3 weeks of the competition... 2 rounds must be played in order to qualify.  Good luck, everyone!



July 15, 2021

While I wait to complete the pairings for next Monday (19th), I had some time to make some corrections to past postings of the results of the 18 Hole League. The first two weeks (May 3 & May 10) had to be corrected to reflect proper handicaps for new players (and therefor the final results for those two weeks.  I also posted the results for July 12th.

I'm also working on a new computer, which entails transferring all my files over from the old one.  While looking thru some VERY old documents, I found an old internet joke sheet from waaaay back when... thought it would be interesting to post it HERE.  Enjoy!



June 29, 2021

We just played our sixth round in the 18 Hole League and the 9 Hole league has finally gotten to play their FIRST round at Lakehurst's Pine Ridge Golf Course.  For those who have yet to renew their cards, go to the visitors' center at the base entrance to get yours renewed.  I found out the hard way... you need to be there before 1pm.  Their hours are 8 to 1, M-F.


Enjoy your July 4th holiday weekend... we do not play at Bey Lea again until July 12th.


All handicaps have been updated to include rounds played through June 28th. They will be used for the League Championship rounds that will be played during the next several weeks, with the winner again being decided by the best two out of three rounds.  The next several monthly outings will also be part of the "Club Championship" series, again the winner will be determined by the best two out of three rounds played.  Two rounds are required in each of the Championship competitions to qualify.


In case you missed it, President Bill Cohen sadly announced the passing of Bill Englehardt last week.  Thogh not a long time member of the Golf Club, he will missed.


May 28, 2021

The results are posted for the 18 Hole League round played on May 24th.

There is NO league play next Monday, Memorial Day (May 31st). Have a GREAT holiday!

Our next round is the following week, June 7th.  The usual note will be sent on June 2nd (Wednesday) for confirmation of your intention to play on the 7th.

As an early reminder for league play on July 26th (NOT next week), our first tee time will be 8:59am for that week ONLY (that's July 26th).  Mark your calendar, if necessary, but then  forget I said anything until I remind you again at the end of July.  See you June 7th.


May 19, 2021

Finally got the chance to update some results...

Visit the League Play tab, 18 Hole Results (Click Here) tab for the results for the first two rounds of play. Each page reports only the weekly results, listed by flight/team (RED or GREEN), for those players that played THAT week. 

As we progress through the season, I'll add an additional category to report the progress of all league members in the NASCAR-type point scoring system.  It's not yet available because I still have to figure out the format for that report.


Also available are the results for our first outing, played on May 17th at the new and improved (?) "Vineyard National at Renault" golf course.  Visit the Outing Schedule and Results tab (Click Here) to see how the four-man teams faired in the competition.


April 6, 2021

Since I got a couple of complaints, er, comments, I figure I should make a minor adjustment to the 2021 Roster that's on the website.  The ROSTER shows which team each player is on, with an "R" or "G" in the FLIGHT column.  The original copy of the ROSTER, showed some R's in green and some G's in RED, instead of all red R's and all green G's.  While I can automatically calculate each player's team, based on handicap, I can't do the same for the color of the resulting letter.  But... I figured out how to fix the problem!

To avoid ANY confusion, ALL flight designations are now in BLACK.

I also corrected one date on the PAIRINGS page.  Since we've cancelled the Member/Guest again this year, the round scheduled for July 5th has been changed to that July 12th date.


March 25 & 26, 2021

Welcome back to the GOLF CLUB at Lake Ridge web site! 

It's been some time since we've been able to do more than think about golf, but the time has come! 

We've set up the 18 Hole League for the new year, while we wait... and wait... and wait some more... 

for the 9 Hole League to get the OK from the military gods who will eventually open the course

at Joint Base MDL Lakehurst.  That MIGHT happen in May, but don't bet the ranch just yet.


Anyway, we've set up a 16 week schedule at Bey Lea Golf Course, beginning on May 3rd, running thru October 4th.  We have 32 players this year, with another 8 SUBS, to keep our line-up full each week. 

This year, the tee sheet at Bey Lea has already been, and we expect it to continue to be, full from first tee until mid-afternoon.  We need to manage our tee times  to avoid any 'NO-SHOW' problems at the course.  As we did last year, we will be handling no-shows and subs via email each week.  Be sure to look for each weekly notice on Wednesday, and REPLY your availability back by Friday EARLY evening.


If you want to read our annual Welcome Letter (already sent as an email attachment), you can see it HERE!

You can check the Roster, Schedule and Weekly Pairings by clicking HERE to go to the LEAGE PLAY tab.

The Club Activities and Monthly Outings schedule, and the Season Summary Letter can be also be read by clicking HERE for the OUTING SCHEDULE and RESULTS tab.



September 24, 2024

The 2024 version of the 18-Hole League played it's last round for the year.  to see the results for each week of competition, click on the 'League play' menu button, then click on the '18 Hole Results' button.  You can then look at each week of the year.  The 9-Hole League, which plays at MDL Base Lakehurst has a couple more rounds before they also finish their season.

Be sure to attend our annual end-of-year banquet on October 21 & the General Meeting on November 18th.   The 'Golfer(s) of the Year' and 'Most improved golfer(s)' for both the RED and GREEN flights will be announced at the banquet while all end of year announcements and pronouncements will be presented at the November General Meeting.



August 27, 2024

Sadly, we lost one of the Golf Club's founding members last week.  After fighting and suffering thru illness for the past year or more, Don Schwerdt passed away last week.  There will be a viewing on Sept 7 at D'Elia Funeral Home with interment to be held on Sept 9 at Brigadier William C Doyle Memorial Cemetary located at 350 Province Line Road, Wrightstown, New Jersey 08562.  In lieu of flowers, the family requests you make a donation in Don's name to THE NAVY-MARINE CORPS RELIEF SOCIETY (NMCRS) or to a charity of your choice.  This info has already been distributed via email.

The club will honor and celebrate Don's contributions and dedication to the club at a later date.  When those plans have been finalized, information will be available here and will also be distributed via email.


League results thru August 26 are available thru the "League Play" tab.




August 20, 2024

As we approach the final three rounds of the 2024 18-Hole League, there is some health news on several of our member players... Don Schwerdt, Jose Rodriquez and Joe Montella are under doctor's care.  Don is in the hospital; Jose is beginning a month-long specialized treatment in NYC and Joe is slowly recovering from his past medical issues. At last night's Golf Club General meeting, President Bill Cohen announced this information and asked that we keep them all in our prayers as they deal with these issues.


The results are up-to-date for the 18-Hole League, as are the results of the Outing at Pebble Creek on August 14th.  Check them out under the "League Play" and the "Outings Schedule and Results" tabs.  Check your calendar and marks the dates.  We're holding our last "9 & Dine" outing at Pine Ridge (MDL - Lakehurst) on Sept 25th.  Sign-up at the clubhouse bulletin board or email Bill C. once the signup date is announced.  Also, our annual Golf Club Banquet is scheduled for October 22 (Tuesday evening).  Contact Barry Stetson for more info or to sign up to attend.  It is always a wonderful event!



July 16, 2024

It's been a few weeks since I've gotten to update the latest results on this site.  I'm at a point, finally, where I will be able to update results and post announcements on a weekly basis as they become available. 


We currently have 31 "REGULAR" players on our roster this year, plus another 27 players on the "Guest" roster.  With 56 players available, so far this year (thru 9 rounds), we have averaged 29 players each week at Bey Lea Golf Course.  I have to adjust the tee times we need with the course each week based on the response I get from our players and guests. It would be nice, some week, to call the course to tell them we will be using all 10 of the tee times we reserved... we shall see!


Finally, with the lengthy list of members and guests on both of our golf leagues, there is always room for more.  If you know of anyone in the community who plays this wonderful, but frustrating game, contact our membership czar Gene Mangini.  He will contact anyone interested in either the 9-Hole or 18-Hole league and guide them through becoming a member of The Golf Club at Lake Ridge.




May 25, 2024

I can't believe it's been seven months since my last update to this website. We started the 2024 season for both leagues during the last week of April. To celebrate the start of the golf season, we held our annual Tee-Off party on May 5th with great attendance.  


Because we have several new players (the more, the merrier!) this year, I've had to wait for several rounds to get handicaps for everyone.  I now have enough data to determine handicaps, split players into RED and GREEN flights and publish results for the first three weekly rounds for the 18-Hole League. Using a handicap (at Bey Lea) of 25 as the breakpoint, the league is split into RED & Green flights with 16 players in each.

Click on the "League Play" tab for information on the 18-Hole League as well as the results of all completed rounds.



October 25, 2023

Well, all good things must come to an end, and so we say goodbye to the 2023 edition of the 18 Hole League at The Golf Club at Lake Ridge.  We completed our rain-out makeup rounds this past Monday (the 23rd) and followed that up with our annual banquet that same evening in the Clubhouse ballroom.  For the third year, we've held our banquet in-house and again, we salute the excellent job done by Barry and Renee Stetson. They spent countless hours organizing the catering, entertainment & donations. Plus, MC'ing the event that has become tradition to end each year.  Thank you, Barry and Renee.


Also each year, a plaque is awarded to "The Golfer of the Year" in both the RED and GREEN flights.  The winner is determined by points accumulated after each round, based on the order of finish in each flight.  This year's winners were Tom Ierubino (Red) and Steve Friedman (Green).  In each flight, second place was within 30 points of the lead.  Congratulations to Tom and Steve for surviving a close, competitive challenge from all league golfers.


Since the league is a "handclapped" league (and I don't necessarily mean physically), handicap indices are updated monthly to keep all golfers on a level playing field.  In light of that, we track each player's progress throughout the year and present an award to the "Most Improved Golfer", by flight, based on the handicap index "Improvement  Factor" calculated by our Handicap System.  This year's Most Improved Golfers were John Smith (Red) and John Sucato (Green).  Congratulations to John... and John!



October 16, 2023

We have reached the end of our fifteen SCHEDULED rounds but have two (2) more rounds now scheduled for Oct 16th and Oct 23rd as make-up dates for some rainouts that we had in May and August.  I expect limited attendance at these rounds because a good number of our members/players will have already left for their winter hiding places... somewhere south of where we live.

All record keeping is up to date as of today and, following the completion of play on the 23rd, final results for Golfer of the year (by Flight) and Most Improved Golfer (also by Flight) will be available at the END-of-Year Banquest on the evening of October 23rd.  All final presentations for the 2023 18-Hole Golf League will be made at our annual end of year General Membership meeting in November.




September 25, 2020

So, we've finished our ten-round schedule for the 18-hole league.

Seems that is enough for most of our members, so we will continue to schedule additional rounds as long as the interest is there... and the weather seems to be bearable for a "walk in the park".

All scores are posted for the league through Sept 21, with additional scores as we play additional rounds.  Since this is a 'test year' for the Golfer of the Year award, any additional rounds will also be included in the year to date totals.  at a minimum, weather permitting, we'll be playing October 5th and 19th at Bey Lea.

Just for information's sake, we just got confirmation that the base is progressing thru their security levels, freeing up some of the restrictions for military personnel and retirees.  As of that notice, NO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION is available concerning civilian use of military facilities.  We will be notified as soon as there are any changes that affect our access to the base.



August 26, 2020

Finally got back to updating the latest 18 Hole League scores...

All rounds thru August 24th have been posted (finally!), though how to post the results has been confusing from the start of the year.  I've tried different sequences, starting with low NET scores for the week, then high points awarded in the new system for the week, finally in order of the leading point scores for the season (Golfer of the Year) .  None of these seem easy to read and/or understand where anyone stands at any particular point (and I put the form together and posted it!).  During the off-season, I'm sure we'll develop a method to correct this, so stay calm, get what you can out of the postings and, above all, forward any suggestions (for improvement, please) to me, or any officer of the club.


As for the 9 Hole League at Joint Base MDL, seems that the higher standards of Military security and safety have forced the cancellation of the 9 Hole League for this year.  All military bases are currently off-limits to non-essential personnel.  How they can consider golfers as non-essential personnel is beyond me.  Be that as it may, I've learned that even members of the military are encouraged to stay off base as much as possible.  Unless they are actually on duty to perform their job functions, they don't even have access to most parts of the base.  These restrictions currently extend to mid-November, but I've spoken to several servicemen who fully expect these restrictions to be extended again another three months.  Hopefully, we may get back to normal early next Spring!

Keep your fingers crossed and STAY SAFE!



July 23, 2020

And the heat wave continues...

Last week we had five players cancel because of the excessive heat...

We shall see what we shall see for this coming Monday (same dire weather predictions).

The results for July 20th league play are now posted, as are the results of the Cream Ridge Outing.

You'll notice (hopefully) that the league results include all members, rather than just those who played last week.  This way, all players can check their standing in this inaugural season using the  FED-EX type scoring system.  If anyone has any questions about that system, call me (and I'll probably confuse you more) or call MJ Sarro for the definitive explanation of how it works.


July 9, 2020

Results are posted for the latest round on July 6th.   in an effort to make the new point system a LITTLE bit easier to read, effective this week, I will only include the players who actually played this week.    MJ is calculating the scores each week and has a complete listing of EVERY player in the 18 Hole League.  At the half-way point of this season, I will post that complete list separately so all can get a feel where they stand in this test-version of this scoring system.  


Just a reminder... if you know you will be unable play in a scheduled round, be sure to notify me as soon as possible.  The clubhouse is still off-limits so call, email or stop by so I know to get a SUB for the week(s) you can't play.


July 1, 2020

Quick note to start:

As all should know, Joint Base MDL is NOT open to public access. 

Latest information indicates that we will get access to Pine Ridge Golf Course during Phase Three of the re-opening process. 

The anticipated date for this, barring any further setbacks, is mid-August.


We completed our second 18 hole round of the year this week, and all seemed to survive the heat, though it wasn't quite as bad as we expected.  Our first tee time is 8:33 so we should finish well before the worst of the heat in mid afternoon.


June 26, 2020

We are FINALLY able to play golf!  We started our revised, 10 round season for the 18 hole league on the 22nd, but the 9 hole league is still a ways away.  The military rules and regulations are far stricter that the state's so August seems to be the earliest we'll get access to Joint Base MDL.

In the meantime, information is finally posted for the 2020 season for the 18 hole league such as the Roster, Schedule and Pairings (all revised) plus the results from our round on 6/22.


As a reminder, we're operating the league this year with NO DUES and NO PRIZE MONEY.  At the same time, we're trying a new scoring system that is points-based, similar to FedEx Cup or NASCAR type scoring. You'll see the weekly results of this points competition under the LEAGUE PLAY tab.



January 15, 2020

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season...  now it's time to ready for the new golf season!

There will be some significant changes this year.  These changes affect our Golf Club meeting schedule, the courses we play at our monthly outings (hopefully), both golf leagues (the competition format), prize money (18 hole league only) and organizational changes at Bey Lea Golf Course.  Our "Welcome to the 2020 golf season" letter has ben delivered via email and can also be seen HERE.


We will be holding our General Membership meetings on the third MONDAY of each month this year (in the ballroom) from March thru November.  The more members that attend meetings will only make this club more effective in meeting the needs, wants and "wish we had's" of the entire membership.  The more questions, comments and ideas presented will only improve the way the club operates throughout the year.


We run an "away" tournament each month throughout the golf season.  We are looking to change the location of some of those outings to generate more interest and attendance each month.  Our Member/Guest will still be held at Westlake Golf Course in Jackson, and we'll announce the remainder of the outings as plans are finalized with each course.


We're also changing the competition format for BOTH leagues.  Rather than three flights, based on handicap, we will have two teams, again split by handicap.  We have re-instituted weekly prize money in the 18 hole league (only).  In addition to weekly 'team' winners, based on low-net scores, each golfer will be awarded points based on finishing position within each team.  Those points will be accumulated through the year to determine the "Golfer of the Year" winner from each team.  Finally, we've added a 'Closest to The Pin' competition this year to the 18 hole league.  The Schedule shows which holes are in play each week for the CTP challenge.


There are also considerable organizational changes at Bey Lea Golf Course.  Only minimal changes affect the league (since we are all "Seniors"), but you can see the bulk of the changes HERE.


There's a lot to go through, but a lot to look forward to this year.   The Roster, Schedule and Pairings sheets are available under the "League Play" tab.  be sure to look throughout the site to see all the information on this year's leagues.



October 3, 2019

Finally, I made it back to update our Golf Club site... 

Results are posted for the 9-hole league thru Sept 4th, results thru 8/26 for the 18-hole league, plus the Outing results for the Best Ball competition at Forge Pond and the Nine & Dine at Lakehurst.

I'm waiting for 18-Hole results for Sept 23rd (I couldn't play that round) and the last round of the 9-hole league played yesterday, October 2nd.. 

We have one more round for the 18-hole league... a rain makeup on October 21st starting at 8:33am, plus one more Club Outing at Pebble Creek in Colts Neck on October 16th.


The last point of interest to report concerns the Club Championship Qualifier played at Gamblers Ridge.   Due to sever weather that moved in during that round, there will be NO Club Champion this year!  Lightning chased the last hardy souls from the course after about 15 holes.  The monsoon rains made the course unplayable, prompting the decision to cancel the competition for this year.  We did, however, remain at the course to enjoy the BBQ dinner prepared by the course and marvel at the amount of water that fell from the sky, causing some minor flooding in the banquest hall.


And don't forget about our banquet on October 29th...

See the post from August 14th (below) for all the details.


Finally, the format for the  Golf Club @ Lake Ridge for next year (2020 golf season) has been discussed by your Board members,  presented at the September General meeting of the Golf Club and approved by vote of those present.  For those of you whose opted  NOT to attend that meeting, and/or missed the email that was sent to all members, that document is available by clicking HERE.



August 14, 2019

We have a clarification of the plans for our Golf Club Banquet at the end of the year...


Place: The Grand at 1600 (Route 70 East)

Date & Time: Tuesday, October 29 from 5 p.m. - 9 p.m.

For early arrivals, open bar goes from  4:30 pm to 8:30 pm

Cost: $40 per person (member / spouse / guest)

         $45 per person (non-golf club members)

Sign up sheets will be soon be available on the Golf Club bulletin board

and in the Golf Club slot in Library kiosk

Tables of 10. List everyone you want to sit with on one form.


Remember, you don't have to be a golfer to join us!

Also, don't forget gifts for our raffle table.
If you frequent a local business, perhaps they would be willing
to donate a gift certificate or raffle prize.


The results of the League Championship Competition have been poster HERE.  

Congratulations to the winers in each flight!

The Club Championship Qualifier is coming up this Monday (8/19) at Gambler's Ridge.

Stop back here over the next couple of weeks to follow the progress of the competiton!



July 30, 2019

We've reached the three-week League Championships, played at Bey Lea, and we may have found dark-horse favorite to take the whole thing!  

We should all congratulate John Smith for his round this past Monday.  He managed to play thru the heat and humidity to finish his round with two (2) birdies, two (2) bogies and 14 pars!  For those of us true duffers, that's a final score of EVEN PAR!

I don't remember any GC@LR members finishing with that score (or better) in my eight years in this league.  I know some of you old-timers (at least older old-timer than me) remember some great players in the early years... let me know about them and we'll try to get some information together and present some history of the league to our current members.

Again, Congratulations for a great round to John Smith!


July 22, 2019

Well, we made it thru July Fourth, the Member/Guest Outing, the first of the Northern Ocean County competition, an almost brutal heat wave and a week where only ten players made it to the eighteenth hole at Bey Lea.  Next comes the League Championships on 7/28. 8/5 & 8/12, followed by the Club Championship Qualifier at Gambler's Ridge on 8/19.  Hopefully, everyone will participate in these competitions, if possible to make it a true test among all our members!



June 13, 2019

For a variety of reasons, I FINALLY got to sit down and update recent scores to this website.  The 9 hole league has been updated through June 12th, while the 18 hole league shows results thru June 10th.  Unfortunately, those results for the 10th merely report that the round was rained out!  The next 18 hole round is scheduled for June 24th, after we play at Old Orchard on the 17th, the results of which will be posted on the "Outings" tab.

Don't forget the Member/Guest Outing to be held on July 8th (Monday) at Westlake Golf Course in Jackson.  It's always a a great day of breakfast, golf and lunch, plus prizes.  We have several new sponsors this year, so the more players we have playing in this event will only shine a bright light on the Golf Club at Lake Ridge.  Members, friends, relatives, even strangers you can find on the street (they could be part of the "guests") are most welcome to play  in this event.  See you there!


May 13, 2019

We made it!  Got the first week of golf in... and then the RAINS came. 

Check out the results on the LEAGUE PLAY tab... both the 18 hole league, played on May 6th, and the 9 hole league (5/8) are available. 

Our first outing of the year, at Cream Ridge, was rained out this morning, and it will likely NOT be rescheduled because all Monday play-dates have been set up for the 18 hole league, or other outings.

Watch this site, or your email for further information regarding this. 



April 14, 2019

We're almost there!  Three weeks and we begin the new golf year.  

In addition to the League Schedules and info, we've now posted the Schedule of Outings, Meetings and Events on this website... click HERE or go to the 18 Hole League Play tab to see that document. 


Also, for the 2019 golf year, the USGA has adopted several rule changes, all in the name of SPEEDING  UP THE GAME!   A synopsis of those changes that we, in both Club and League play, will adopt can be seen on our "Blog" page.  not sure how that will work out, but take a look at it and let me know if it's worth continuing to put items of interest there.  Just click on the 'Blog' heading on the menu choices at the top of the page.


March 23, 2019

The worst of the winter has past, but the weather still has a bite to it when the wind blows.  Some of our most intrepid(!?!) members have spent the colder months in warmer climates, continuing to play some golf, while the rest of us sit and wait...


We're ready to get started with the new league year, but a few changes have been made since the last time our documents had been released.  If you look at the League Play tab, you'll see updated Roster, Schedule and Pairings sheets for the 18 Hole League.  

I've also added a new "No-Show" sheet (just for info, please mark the sheet in the clubhouse). 

These are all available on the bulletin board in the clubhouse, but the MAIN item to note is the change to our Tee Times at Bey Lea Golf Course. 


The M.O.W. group (from Woodlands) has decided NOT to play on Monday morning this year.  Because of this opening, we will be starting most of this year at 8:51am, rather than 9:33. 

This earlier time will allow us to be off the course earlier, to avoid the hottest period of the day.


This 8:51am start time will be in effect this year, with three (3) exceptions.  We start on May 6th at 8:51, but on three dates... June 10th, July 15th and August 26th... we will revert to our 9:33 start time because other small groups have already booked those earlier times on those dates. 

The Schedule and Pairing sheets now reflect these modified starting times.  DO NOT BE LATE!



November 18, 2018

It's that time of year again, when we really get busy setting up next years golf Club activities.  

We will begin the new year with 23 REGULAR members of the 18 Hole League, along with only seven (7) SUBS.  The Roster, Scheduling and Pairing lists for the 2019 season is available by clicking HERE, or going to the 'League Play' tab, above.

The information on the 9 Hole League will be available on-line shortly... once it's completed and organized.

Stay tuned throughout the cold winter months to keep abreast of the progress we make in establishing the club outings and events for next year.


October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween and... Boo!

The golf season is over, at last(?), with the exception of some great fall weather that might let us get out for just a few more rounds.  Some hearty souls may even brave the winter winds and play thru the year.  Great way to get ready for the new season next spring.  

Over the next several weeks, the League roster(s) will be finalized, the schedule will be set and reservations made at the courses for each league.  Several changes have been adopted for both our leagues, most significantly that we are eliminating all prize money!  all the details will be published following our general membership meeting on Nov 19th.

In the meantime, you can see the results of the final outing at Pebble Creek on the "Outings Results" tab.  Be sure to attend our final meeting of the year (11/19) to hear about the changes for next year, plus collect any league moneys you may have won in the second half of the year.

See you there!



September 22, 2018

We seem to be progressing (Finally!) through our end of year competitions... We've completed the League Championships (3 rounds, cumulative) to finish with the "Last Man Standing" being:

                        Flight A:         Joe Montella

                        Flight B:          Pat McCarren

                        Flight C:          Barry Stetson

Congratulations to all participants... each flight was quite competitive this year, with each flight truly decided during the last round of play.

The Club Championship, however, seems to have taken a strange journey in proclaiming our flight champions this year.  After the qualifier at Gamblers Ridge in August, three (3!) of the scheduled Match-Play rounds were recorded as FORFEITS (for a variety of reasons), one in each flight.  The results of the rounds played so far can be seen on the 18 Hole Results page.  Final Match-Play  rounds are scheduled for October 1st, with our single rain-out make up round scheduled for October 8th.


And don't forget about our end-of year banquet!  Barry Stetson and his committee are planning a fun night at The Grand on route 70  on October 23rd, so sign up early and enjoy the evening!



August 13, 2018

Well, it has happened again... the third, and final round of the League Championship has been rained out.  As we did last year, we'll determine who wins the title(s) following next week's round. 

This is the second rainout we've had in the 18-hole league this year.  As a result, we will drop our season to 15 weeks of competition because we have only one make-up date available, on October 8th.  Coincidently, the 9-hole league also has had two rain-outs this year.  They, too, will also lose one week of competition because of this.  Let's hope that the remainder of the year brings us cool, DRY weather on Mondays and Wednesdays.


August 4, 2018

Slowly, but surely, I'm getting things moved over to the new hosting company.  Soon, when you visit this site, you'll be seeing the new layout that comes with this change.  No major changes to begin with, but we should be able to do more on this new site than we had been able to do.  Time will tell!

Until the OFFICIAL changes are made, you can take a preview peek at the new site by clicking on  The web address will eventually be the same as it is now... what you're going to see is the working copy I am creating for when the change does go into effect.

Also, if you look at the results of the first round of the League Championship, you may notice that the handicaps have been updated to the most current levels.  I received them the day after the round was played, and I decided that, in fairness to all, the rounds should be calculated at the levels that all members are currently playing.  These handicaps will remain in effect throughout the League and Club Championship competitions.



July 21, 2018

Hard as it may be to believe, this web-site celebrated it's third birthday on September 5th.  

As with all things concerning this Golf Club, nothing ever remains the same... Including this site!

We've changed the company we use to keep this font of information available to all. 

There will be some noticeable changes, most apparent will be the loss of prior year's data. 

I have it all backed up and will restore as much as I can, but... it's a manual effort to re-type everything from the old site.  when this new site goes live, all current year information will be available, with old data added as time permits.

As always, if there are any problems or questions about the site, please let me know ASAP!




May 31, 2018
As much as it's KILLING ME to set up pairings for the 18 Hole league, check completed score cards and, finally get some updates onto the site, I think we are up to date.
Results for the first three weeks of the 18 Hole league are available, plus the results from Cream Ridge Outing on May 24th.   Working with all the volunteer schedulers on the 9 Hole League, the results are now on-line for the first four weeks of that league.   Week three was rained out, but the remaining three rounds are now available for everyone to review.


May 25, 2018
Finally got the energy (and the inclination) to get some updates onto the site.
Results for the first two weeks of the 18 Hole league are available, as are the results from Cream Ridge Outing on May 24th.
Working on putting the 9 Hole results on-line but need to gather emails to set up the pages.


April 24, 2018
So, the season is almost here... and everyone is chomping at the bit to start playing...
Everyone received the Schedule, the Roster, the Pairings and Player Information sheets for the new season and now, just weeks away from our first round, everything seems to have changed!
We've increased the League roster of REGULAR players from 28 to 32 so four of our newest members can play regularly.   There are NO CHANGES to this year's "Player Numbers" but... Everyone's tee-time has changed for weeks 2 thru 16.   The first week's pairings have not changed except for the addition of the four new players in the 10:32am time slot.

CLICK HERE to see the 18 Hole Pairings list for this year.

To view the weekly pairings list for the 9 Hole League, Click Here!

Remember, ALL players (REGULAR & SUBS), should mark the NO-SHOW sheet (bulletin board in the clubhouse) all weeks you aren't available.  
Finally, all calls for SUBS will be issued via TEXT MESSAGES this year.
If you cannot return a text message to me, call me if you see something on your phone from me.


March 3, 2018
The new golf year is drawing nearer but it's still snowing outside and the thought of sunny days on the golf course are still but a dream.
Following a winter of continuing technical difficulties with our web-site, I think we finally reached a point where we can post updates without worrying about losing the entire site.
With that in mind, I've finally gotten some of the league information (for the 18 Hole league, initially) posted. Obviously, no results to post, yet, but the Roster, Schedule and Pairings have been added, along with the overall schedule of meetings, outings and events for the Golf Club in general.
As more data becomes available, I'll add to the appropriate pages. In the meantime, start loosening up those golf muscles, clean your golf clubs and get the suntan lotion out so you're ready for our first round in 66 days!





October 10, 2017
Well, it's OVER!    Another season has ended for our two golf leagues.
We made up one of our rain-outs yesterday, but that round was also completed IN THE RAIN!    I guess that was a fitting end to end the year.
Don't forget we have a general membership meeting next Monday (16th).    Lots to discuss... make up and size of our leagues, plans for next year concerning outings and competitions and general topics that need some clarification.
Also, don't forget our End-of-Year Banquet!    Next Tuesday, October 17th at The Grand on Route 70 at 5pm.


September 24, 2017
We're approaching the end of the golf League season (final scheduled round on 9/25 plus a rain-out make-up round on 10/9) which will be celebrated at our Banquet, to be held at The Grand on route 70 on October 17th. We also completed our Fall Trip (this year to Heritage Hills Golf Resort in York, Pa) where everyone had a great time, both playing and sight seeing.
One stop we made on our non-golf day was to the State Capital building in Harrisburg.
Our guide brought us to see the State Senate and State Assembly caucus rooms, along with stops at various places within the building.
She noted that the building was constructed in the early 1900's, and all areas that we thought were painted gold were actually 23 Karat gold throughout.
At the conclusion of the tour, we all gathered on the main stairway inside the building for a group picture...
Thanks to Rich Pante, and his expert photo taking instructions to our guide, we have this mosaic of faces to remember our trip of 2017:







August 29, 2017
Following the Qualifying round for the Club Championship (at Gamblers' Ridge on 8/28), we held the first round of the Match Play Competition on Monday (28th) at Bey Lea.    Six matches were played, most remained very close to the end and the results showed that seed numbers 1 & 2 will compete on Sept 18th in Flight A & Flight B, while seed numbers 4 & 2 will vie for the Flight C title.
I'm sure everyone's aware we will not be playing on Labor Day (9/4) and the following week we'll be preparing for the Fall Golf Trip (12th-15th) so the next we meet to complete this 'thing' is on the 18th.
If you're going on the trip, see you there. If not, see you on the 18th!


August 20, 2017
Well, the LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP rounds have been completed and we have winners... Each flight finished with 11 players completing the required two rounds.   Bill Ellison, Joe Montella, Charlie Kalwinsky, Rich Lejkowski, Don Schwerdt and Jack Lennon finished as the top 6 positions in the "A" flight .   Rich Pante, Tom Pontoriero, Bob Deppe, John Cacavio, Tom Evans and Joe Berardo were the low scorers in the "B flight while the "C" flight ended with Lenny Johnson, Jose Rodriquez, Dominick Fuimano, Barry Stetson, Jerry Hill and MJ Sarro rounding out the top of that flight.  
Congratulations to all!!


July 13, 2017
Well, we finished the Member/Guest at Eagle Ridge Golf Course and guess what?
We MAY be able to do it again next year.
During Bill Cohen's opening remarks before the shotgun start, his mention that this was possibly our last go round brought a quick response from the Pro who also spoke to the players.    He insisted that the course will still be operating next year so we should plan on holding this event again at Eagle Ridge.   Here's to hoping he right!
The results from the Member/Guest are available on the OUTING RESULTS page.
Everyone had a great time, the team competition was quite close amongst all the teams entered and the individual competition also was close for all league members.   The course was tough, the day was gorgeous and the meal was delicious.   if you missed the event this year, plan on playing next year, and bring some friends!   We could double the attendance we had last week and maybe make this event as successful it was a couple of years ago.


July 2, 2017
Haven't had a lot of time to update this page so far this year... lots going on, so little time to do it.
All result pages have been updated thru the first half of the schedule (end of June).   We're ready for our Member/Guest on July 10th at Eagle Ridge (hopefully not our last hurrah!)  
When the leagues start up again on July 12th (9 Hole) and July 17th (18 Hole), we'll have updated the handicaps to include play so far this year... including all cards that have been turned in to the club from rounds played outside the leagues.   if necessary, this update could also cause some players to moved to a new flight. We will make every effort to keep the flights even throughout both leagues but if you find yourself in a different flight, don't be surprised or alarmed... it's only the Club trying to keep everyone competitive in both leagues.


January 11, 2017
Finally, I've gotten to post the necessary pages for the 2017 season.
Check back here periodically for updates, announcements and general information about the upcoming golf season.

For each of the 9 and 18 Hole leagues, the Roster, Pairings and the Schedule have been added to the appropriate tabs.
Also, by popular demand, I've added an additional list... Player Information.
As an addition to the Roster, this page will provide everyone with the phone #, Address and EMAIL address of each player, listed by league.
Now, everyone can coordinate their travels to each course, either by phone, a simple email or, if you dare, simply park in front of someone's house!

Please check them out and be sure that you are ready for the upcoming year!
Should there be any discrepancies (Heaven forbid!), let me know so that I can update these documents where necessary.




August 31, 2016
New results are now posted...
The latest rounds in both leagues, PLUS the results of the first round of Match-Play for the Club Championships!
The final round of Match-Play will be held after Labor Day, and AFTER our golf trip to The Valley Forge are of Pennsylvania.   For those keeping score, that will be on Monday, September 19th at Bey Lea.

We are considering changing the schedules for BOTH the 18 and 9 Hole leagues for the 2017 season.  
We are looking at playing the 9-hole league at the base on Mondays, while moving the 18-hole league, still at Bey Lea, to Wednesday morning.   Your Board of Directors will research and review the details of such a change and
then discuss the findings at our General Members' meeting on Sept 19th at 7pm.
Be there to take part in this important decision for the club!


August 24, 2016
Not much to report... yet.
Results for the 18-hole Mutt n' Jeff competition have been posted.
No 9-hole League this week in deference to the CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP round to be held at
Gamblers Ridge Golf Course on Thursday, August 25th.  
It's a 12:15 Shotgun start, followed by a BBQ dinner at the course.
If you haven't signed up for this outing, you're going to miss a great day (and dinner)!


August 18, 2016
Well, the League Championships have been completed and we have three new champions to congratulate.  
The competition was three rounds at Bey Lea, with the best of TWO those rounds counting towards the final scores.
Flight "A" saw Joe Montella rise to the top and win with a three-stroke margin.  
Flights "B" & "C" weren't quite do close...   Rich Lejkowski (known in some quarters as 'Richie Alphabet') won Flight "B" with eight strokes to spare, while our Handicap Chairman and Author-extraordinaire Jerry Hill captioned the title in Flight "C" by a mere NINE strokes.   
The oppressive heat affected some of our players (and probably all of the scores) but everyone contributed to a very successful competition.   Congratulations to our winners, and especially to all participants... we had a great turnout for the three-week event.  

Effective August 17th (for the 9-hole league) and August 22nd (18-hole league) we have updated handicaps in use for all players.   Also, each league has been "re-flighted" based on those updated handicaps.
There were only a few changes in flight assignments, affecting a couple players moving up or down one flight.
Finally, don't forget to click on the "CLUB MEETINGS & OUTINGS" tab for the "Save-The-Date" flyer about our banquet on October 18th.


August 11, 2016
Scores from both the 18 Hole League as well as the 9 Hole League have been posted for this week. The 18 Hole scores are intermediate, with two of the three rounds of the League Championship now complete.
Be sure to play next Monday (the 15th) if you don't have two rounds completed because you need two rounds to qualify for the competition!
I've also added a "Save the Date" flyer for our end of year banquet.    Click on the "CLUB MEETINGS & OUTINGS" tab to see the link for this flyer.


August 6, 2016
Well, we're a month away from THE TRIP of the year... golfers will see some courses they haven't played before, while non-golfers will get to tour the Valley Forge/Philadelphia area to take in sites they probably haven't seen in quite some time.   Enjoy the remainder of the summer, be careful in the heat and humidity and get ready for a fun trip!   

Also, we've completed the first round of the LEAGUE Championship Tournament.    See the results by going to the 18-Hole Results tab and selecting the link to the August 1st round.    Round 2 is this coming Monday, August 8th.
Be there to be sure you get in the required two rounds (out of three) to qualify for any awards.


July 23rd, 2016
Finally got to update the scores for last week... Sorry for the delay.   Everyone seemed to survive the heat from last week, a couple by quitting after nine holes.   Glad to see guys make wise decisions when it comes to health and safety.  
With that in mind, we've been monitoring the weather reports and have decided to CANCEL the league round scheduled for July 25th.   This was supposed to be the first of three rounds to determine the LEAGUE CHAMPION.
For those new to the league, we play three rounds (at Bey Lea) and use the cumulative score of the best TWO rounds (out of three) to determine the LEAGUE champion in each flight.  Prize money is also accumulated during these rounds so the top six in each flight are awarded the total of three weeks of prize money... .  not a bad haul if you do well!
There should be no confusion between the LEAGUE championship and the CLUB championship....  the LEAGUE championship rounds will be rescheduled to begin with the round on August 1st, followed by Aug 8th & Aug 15th.
We'll play Mutt & Jeff on 8/22, butthe inaugural competition of 2-man Best-ball teams will have to wait for next year.
The CLUB championship will be played at Gambler's Ridge Golf Course on August 25th (Thursday), with the top four players moving on to a match play competition (2 rounds) to determine the CLUB champion in each Flight.
See Bill Cohen or sign up in the clubhouse when registration starts for the CLUB championship.

Please mark your calendars/schedules to reflect these changes.


July 4th, 2016
I guess the first thing to announce is that we have another Hole-in-One to celebrate.
Tom Evans accomplished the near-impossible feat on the eighth hole at Bey Lea.    CONGRATULATIONS, Tom!
Now that that's done, we have other important things happening... most immediately our Member/Guest Tournament next Monday, July 11th.
Be sure to be there early to enjoy breakfast before the 8AM shotgun start.

Before you get there, though, take a look at what's going on at the golf courses of Joint Base M-D-L.    Check out the web-site for "The 87th Force Support Squadron" (stationed at the base) by clicking HERE.    While most of these activities are at McGuire & Dix, Scott (Lakehurst's Pine Ridge course) sent out a flyer so you can see what's happening. Check out that flyer by clicking on this LINK!

June 16, 2016
We're a little late but, if you must know, finalizing the Stableford Scoring for the Jun 13th round was NOT fun.
It's finally done, with considerable contributions from Jerry Hill, our Handicap Chairman and weekly scorecard checker!
He used a function within the Handicapping software that we use to confirm that I made MANY mistakes in calculating the final scores.
With his help, the scores reported here are finally correct. Check them out to see how we all did.
Also just posted are the results from the outing at Fort Monmouth... Be sure to congratulate Bill Cohen for his Hole-in-One on the fourteenth hole.
A 175 yard hole is no easy task and Bill reached the green (something most of us couldn't get done).
Since we played a Shamble format, I hope his foursome realizes that even tho they scored a "1" on that hole, only Bill can claim an "Ace".
Congratulations, Bill!


June 7, 2016
Not a whole lot to add today... results for the June 6th eighteen-hole round have been posted.   
Get ready for our STABLEFORD competition next week, where points are awarded based on how well each hole is played...
Concentrate on minimizing the "blow-up" holes that we are all subject to each week!

Don't forget we have a General Members' meeting on June 20th at 7pm in the Ballroom.
The more, the merrier at our meetings!
We want input from all club members so we can make the club (and leagues) operate the way you want them.

Also, our Member/Guest is fast approaching - July 11th at Eagle Ridge Country Club.
Bring your friends, bring your relatives, but most important... bring YOURSELF!
Our 18-hole is NOT playing that week so we can get as many participants as possible.
Talk to Bill Cohen, Alex Menar or John Cacavio if you're interested or, just go to the clubhouse and add your name to the signup list.


May 8, 2016
The first week's results for the 18 Hole league have been posted...
The opening round of the 9 Hole league was postponed due to inclement weather.

I've also added an "External Links" MENU item to the web site.
This page currently contains the link to the official Lake Ridge web site (maintained by the HOA),
plus a new "blog" site I just found out about.   It's maintained by resident Ray Baker for the benefit of all residents.

Finally, I added a comment about a FACEBOOK page that has been started by another resident. I will set up the link as soon as I confirm the URL.


April 19, 2016
At the meeting held Monday, April 18th, new members of the Golf Club at Lake Ridge SICK-BAY were announced.
Both Stan Leibowitz and Lenny Johnson encountered some health issues during the past week.
We are awaiting updates on their situations and will let you know when we hear something.
Also, remember that attendance at monthly club meetings is encouraged, and this year, will be rewarded with extra door-prize tickets at our banquet, to be held at the end of the year.

As a FINAL reminder, everyone should have their Resident ID card renewed by now at Bey Lea, and have their pass to Joint Base MDL, BEFORE the start of the 9-Hole league. Contact me if you have any questions regarding the base.

There's a new menu item under CLUB MEETINGS and OUTINGS with information on the Golf Club's Fall Trip.
We're going to the Philadelphia/Valley Forge area this year!
The trip itinerary, along with copies of score cards from the three courses we'll be playing, are available for your review.

March 19, 2016
There have been a couple changes to the rosters for both the 18 and 9-hole leagues…
Due to unforeseen circumstances, both Alex Menar and Moe Rosas have elected to switch to SUB status for this year in the 18-hole league.  In their place, Rich Lejkowski and Rich Pante have moved from SUB to REGULAR status.  At least this year, I won’t have to call THEM every week to sub… now I get to harass some others to fill any vacancies.

As for the 9-hole league, Dorothy Salvo has elected not to play on the league this year.  As I told Lenny Johnson the other night at our board meeting, everyone will be calling him “Dorothy” this year, since he has moved from SUB status to REGULAR in her place.

These changes can be seen on the roster lists on the website and eventually on the bulletin board in the clubhouse.  The NO-SHOW sign-up sheets will also be modified, and updated to include any no-show dates already indicated on the bulletin board.  They will then be made available again so everyone can continue marking dates they can’t play.
As a reminder… DO NOT call or email me with FUTURE dates that you cannot play.  I WILL forget if you’re not talking about the immediate next week on the schedule (and no, I haven’t noticed any continuing memory problems).

See you all at the general membership meeting on Monday, March 21st at 7pm.
Also, don't forget our annual kick-off party on May 1st - 6pm in the clubhouse.


March 7, 2016
Our first general meeting of the new year will be held on Monday, March 21st in the Clubhouse.
Make an effort to attend... We'll be talking about some important things:
     1.   Introductions (new members, new Board Members) and Updates (future plans of the Golf Club & members' health status).
     2.   Calendar of events for 2016.
     3.   2016 Leagues - Both the 9 & 18 Hole leagues (especially JB-MDL access procedures).


February 27, 2016
Just a suggestion, folks... for those that are playing in the 18 hole league.
DO NOT WAIT for May 2nd to renew your Bey Lea Resident ID card!
Stop by the Pro Shop at the course and renew your card soon,
It only takes a couple minutes and that will help when we all show up to start the new season.
An added benefit? You can play before the league starts so you aren't just getting started when the scores really count for something again.
And if you do play, be sure to submit all score cards for rounds starting on April 1st to Jerry Hill for handicap purposes.
Also... I added the telephone number for Scott at Lakehurst to the Feb 25th post (below).


February 25, 2016
I finally heard back from Scott regarding the ID badges for access to Lakehurst Naval Station. (JB MDL)
There are essentially three (3) distinct situations that we have to accommodate this year regarding these passes:

1. Those that still have active ID badges to get onto the base:
    If you pass is still active, use it to get on the base.
    Be sure to notify Scott Tucci (Asst Golf Manager, phone 732-323-7483) about two (2) weeks before it expires.
    He will send a letter of authorization to the Visitors’ center (as in the past) so you can renew your pass.
    After this letter is written, you will be issued a pass that will be good for SIX (6) MONTHS.

2. Those who had passes which have expired (those of you who had to endure the trips to the Visitors’ Center weekly):
    Scott has reviewed the Roster for the 9 Hole league and has already sent sixteen (16) authorization letters.
    Beginning March 1st, you can stop at the Visitors’ Center and get your SIX (6) MONTH pass. Be sure you have your
    license with you when you go… and it would be smart to avoid early morning hours when you do go for your pass.

3. If you NEVER had an ID badge to get on the base:
    You will need to submit the paperwork for the same background check that we have all been through.
    If you have base access from VA issued ID cards, you are the lucky ones… you don’t have to go thru this process.
    If not, we need to get you started on the path to proper ID that will lead to peace and quiet on Wednesday mornings.

Scot has NO information recorded for Claude Cooke, Ralph Englese, Lenny Johnson and Dorothy Salvo.
You need to contact ME at 908-313-0560.
If you already have a VA-issued pass, great, otherwise, you need to fill out the “87th Force Support Sq Activity Pass” application.
I will deliver these forms to Scott, who will forward the appropriate Authorization letter to the Vis. Ctr.
You will then need to go to the base (VisCtr) about a week later to fill out the background check forms.
Be sure you bring your LICENSE, REGISTRATION and PROOF of INSURANCE when you fill out these forms.
You will receive a temporary pass while they check you out. When completed, you, too, will get a pass good for SIX (6) MONTHS.
There is no estimate given (yet) as to how long the background check is currently taking.

Reminder… for ALL players…
The background check is still good for three (3) years only.
Scott will you know when each of you are due for a follow-up background check.

Any time we can cut our visits to the Visitors’ Center from 16 times a year to two (2), it’s a great thing.
It’s taken some time, but we seem to have made some progress in resolving the Base Pass issue.
Bill Cohen’s taxi service is now officially out of business, so we can all enjoy a great golf season at a great course.


February 14, 2016
Well, I'm glad you found your way here!    We are on our NEW Domain Name this year, now using a PAID HOSTING SERVICE that should prove to much more reliable that the previous adventure we had on the FREE hosting service. The servers (and, therefore, our web-site) were down for a variety of reason that are not acceptable in the world of the internet.

As noted in a couple places, the Domain Name for this site has changed from last year. it is now:
The only difference from the old name is the "the" at the beginning of the name. Please BOOKMARK or ADD this new URL to your FAVORITES, as the old site will not be available after the end of May, 2016.

I"ve added the Roster, Schedule and Pairings for both the 18 Hole and 9 Hole leagues for 2016 to this site. Emails have also been sent to all members (who have computers) with this information, plus copies were made available in the Kiosk also.

Stay warm, keep limbering up those golf muscles and get ready for the new season. We'll hold our annual kick-off party on Sunday, May 1st. That will be followed by the first round for the 18 Hole League on May 2nd and the 9 Hole League on May 4th.



October 4, 2015
As that old saying goes, all good things must come to an end. I'm not sure who said it, or even WHY they said it, but I'm beginning to think that they MAY be right.   We concluded the inaugural season of our 9-Hole league at the Lakehurst Naval Station on September 30th. It was not the smoothest of operations, what with changes to the way MDL handled Base Security, the delays encountered at the visitor center or the seeming disinterest displayed by too many of our league members. We committed to 7 T-times over our 16 week schedule. We filled those seven (7) tees times Tee times a total of THREE times throughout the year. And that is with the supposed luxury of having 17 (SEVENTEEN!) subs available to fill in. This WILL NOT continue into next year. It is unfair to the course (lost revenue), the league/club officers (investing time and effort) and to those players who do make the effort to attend (too many twosomes and threesomes played).

And while I'm in the complaint mode, we have <u>waaay</u> too many members of the golf club who are never seen except at the golf course for their assigned tee times. Membership in a club would seem to imply that there is an interest in the workings of the club and a desire to be part of the process in what the club does, or tries to do. The EASIEST way to truly be a part of the Golf Club at Lake Ridge is to attend meetings.
It would take ONE HOUR of your time per MONTH... not a steep price to be part of the decision making process of YOUR CLUB. If things happen in the Golf Club that you don't agree with, let your feeling be known... AT A MEETING!

 September 24, 2015

We’ve completed the 16th and final SCHEDULED week of golf at Bey Lea, but we have two weeks remaining because of RAIN-OUTS during the year.
We will be playing on Monday, 9/28, using the pairings list established for the scheduled round of June 1st.
We will also be playing on October 12th as a make-up round for the rainout of on July 27th.
The pairings that were setup for July 27th will be used on 10/12.

If you cannot make either of these newly scheduled dates...
MARK YOUR ABSENCE ON THE "NO SHOW" CHART on the bulletin board in the clubhouse!

We have also completed our scheduled rounds at Lakehurst but we have ONE round to play as a make-up for the rainout on July 15th.
We will play that round on September 30th, so...
Use the pairings set up for July 15th, and if you are unavailable to play on the 30th,
mark your absence on the "NO SHOW" sheet in the clubhouse.


September 18, 2015
We're BAAAACK! Sorta...
The hosting service that we've been using (a FREE hosting service) has been down for the better part of the past several weeks. I've created a new domain name, secured reliable web-hosting from a PAID web services company, and have started the process to convert this website to the new location. The changes will be transparent to all members, with one minor exception... the domain name is changing!
The current website name is:     -
The NEW website name will be: -
The capitalization in the new name is there for visual effect only.    There is NO NEED to use CAPS in accessing the new site, once it is active.
This site will stay up (as long as the servers remain up and running) until the new site is completed... At that time, notice will be sent to all members plus, this OLD web-site will be changed to automatically forward you to the new site. In August of 2016, this old-named website will be shut down completely.


August 18, 2015
Time really seems to fly when you're having fun... and I guess the Golf Club has a great time every week because the summer is almost over!

We just completed the League Championship rounds.
you can see the results posted <a href=""> HERE;</a>

Get ready for the CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP, to be played on Thursday, August 27th at Gamblers Ridge. That outing will be followed by a barbeque dinner at the course following the shotgun start at 12 Noon. See you there and... good luck to all!


July 30, 2015
Well, the results are in! and there are NO results!
We've had TWO outings rained out recently...

The 9-hole league was rained out on July 15th by lightning, thunder, rain, wet grounds and a general desire to avoid the elements by most players. This round will be re-scheduled after the last scheduled week of the season.

The 18-hole league was Time rained out on July 27th(for the second time this year). This time, however, we actually started the round but our last group barely made it to the ninth green before the heavens opened up. And the opening was NOT to lead us to golfing Nirvana! After twenty minutes of DRENCHING downpour, we were able to restart, for all of another twenty minutes before the Lightning Alert sirens cleared the course, this time for good. This round will also be played after the end of the current schedule.
Also, because this was the first of the three LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP rounds,
the championship rounds have been rescheduled for Aug 3rd, 10th and 17th.
Remember, you must play in two of the next three rounds to qualify for the championship.


July 16, 2015
Well, the results are in! The scores have been recorded, and all participants have stated the obvious... it was a wonderful Member/Guest outing this past Monday (July 13th) at Eagle Ridge Golf Course. There were 79 participants, down from the previous year but the competition was just as tough. The results can be found under the "OUTINGS" tab. Check out the winners in team competition (all participants) as well as the Club Members' results in their Low-Net competition.


<uly 8, 2015
We are nearing the half-way point in our golf season, highlighted by our annual Member/Guest outing at Eagle Ridge Golf Club on July 13th.
We will begin the day with breakfast at the club, followed by a fun-filled (we hope) day of golf.
The festivities will conclude with a buffet lunch/dinner (Linner?) and an awards ceremony. Hopefully this is the year someone will drive away with a new car from Jim Curley for a Hole-in-One. There are still openings in this shot-gun start event.
Contact Bill Cohen, Alex Menar or John Cacavio if you are interested.

On July 29th we will again hold our Nine-and-Dine event at Pine Ridge Golf Course at Joint Base MDL Lakehurst.
Sign up sheet is on the board in the clubhouse, and we are limited to the first 32 players to sign up.
Additional information is available on the sign up sheet.

The theme for this year's League competition seems to be concentrating on ELIMINATING slow play. We have some issues with groups playing in front of the league at times, but we seem to be near completing our round in four and a half hours at Bey Lea a good portion of the time. Nine holes at Lakehurst doesn't seem to present a problem since we've finished in about two hours each week.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! A faster round makes the game more fun for all players, regardless of skill level.

Also, don't forget about the upcoming Fall Golf Trip to Foxwoods Casino/Hotel in September.
Visit our "<a title="Club Meetings &amp; Outings" href="">OUTINGS</a>" tab, to find all the information you ever wanted to know about our Fall Golf Trip. With our day-off trip to Newport Rhode Island, and non-golfers' trips to Mystic Seaport, all should look forward to a wonderful and entertaining trip this year.
There's still room on the bus for a few more couples... reservation can be made until our July Golf Club meeting on July 20th.

Following the conclusion of the golf season, we will hold our annual banquet at The Grand at 1600, located on Route 70, near the Parkway. The initial information about the banquet can also be found on the "OUTINGS" tab.


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